Just found out from Pitchfork that Jay Reatard has died. I'm fucking numb, man. This is the first time an artist I've loved has died whilst at the height of their career. Sure there was MJ last year, but he was not making some of my favourite music whilst I was growing up - most of MJ's was before I was even born.
He may well have been a jerk, but man, he made amazing music and he seemed like a genuine guy. His twitter updates were always amazing, like the last one a few days saying he'd pay someone for every tyre they popped on a rival band's van.
Two of his albums are in my top ten of the decade, for fucks sake.
I am kicking myself so much for not going to see him in November - for a birthday I never even got told about in the end - so I missed it for no reason.
But this isn't about me. It's about Jay Reatard. Not only did he make awesome music but he also made me aware of other great music such as Chris Knox. I guess the last properly recorded thing I'll hear is his cover on the Knox tribute album (to raise money for medical bills because of a stroke).
Just gutted...
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