I read all of Ubik and have had about a thousand ideas for my presentation on said book on Thursday - but each time I sit down with my group to discuss it another 10 ideas on perceptions of reality and metaphors come into my mind. This is practically turning my brain into a mushy pulp - like something out of old-skool Peter Jackson films.
On a New Zealand note, it is extremely nice to hear Jeff Mangum's raspy whines again. Of course I know he's not from NZ, stick with me...
He's made a song as part of the tribute compilation for Chris Knox entitled 'Stroke' after he unfortunately suffered a stroke in the summer of this year. The list of artists who stepped up to pay tribute to Knox is absolutely fantastic. Yo La Tengo, Jay Reatard, Jeff Mangum, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Lou Barlow, Mountain Goats and more. It's a testament to a man who is criminally unknown outside of New Zealand.
Listen to samples of the tracks to 'Stroke' here
I cannot wait for the release in February - I will be pre-ordering my copy as soon as I have the money.
Also people should totally check out some of Knox's albums if you can at all. His second band, Toy Love, have a collected works on Spotify
Do it.
This week I also managed to hail satan by reaching an unholy playcount of Slayer. I can never listen to them again for I may unbalance the axis of evil and Cthulu might come and eat my brains. My mushy mushy brains.

then the devil is 6